Cacao vs Cocoa

Cacao vs Cocoa

Both cacao and cocoa come from the cacao plant and that is why they have a similar look and smell - however, their taste is different. The reason for that all comes down to the way these two ingredients are made. 

Organic Cocoa powder is made by fermenting, drying and roasting the cacao bean at high temperatures. It is then pressed until the oils are separated out and the solids remaining are turned into a dry powder.  

Dutch-processed cocoa powder has been processed with an alkalised solution, which makes it less acidic and much richer in taste, and a higher pH level.  

Organic Cacao powder is made similarly. The beans are still pressed to separate the oils and solids; however, the beans are processed at a very low temperature. Therefore, cacao is sometimes referred to as “raw”, as the temperatures used in the process are so low, that it can be considered raw in some cases.  

Unlike Dutch-processed cocoa, our Organic Cacao Powder is not alkalised during processing, meaning it retains its natural acidity.  

Please note, the beans in our cacao powder have undergone roasting. It is not a raw product. It is made from pure cocoa beans that are ground to a fine, non-alkalised powder. This process retains the naturally tart cocoa flavour and slightly lighter colour than traditional Dutch-processed cocoa. 

Cacao retains more nutrients and is one of the highest plant-sources of iron and magnesium, including being super rich in calcium, zinc, potassium and antioxidants such as flavonoids.  

While some of the original antioxidants in cocoa are lost through the heat process, our Organic Cocoa Powder still retains the same nutritional benefits as cacao. The vitamins and minerals found in cocoa are excellent and may help support your heart, skin, blood pressure and stress levels.  

The most distinctive difference between cacao and cocoa is the taste.  

Our Organic Cacao Powder has a bitter, more intense chocolate flavour than cocoa. As the beans have been roasted and the powder has been alkalised, our Organic Cocoa Powder is much less bitter and sweeter tasting, making it the preferred choice when it comes to baking sweet treats. 

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